Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pretty as a Picture.... Literally


  1. Oh, there is just something about this one, Olivia! So gorgeous! I've been meaning to ask you about your lightning pictures at Church as well, but obviously that hasn't happened as we haven't been at Church of late... I just CANNOT get any shots of lightning like yours! ;-)

    Always enjoy seeing your work on here by the way, even when I don't leave a comment. =)

    Thinking of you girls!
    Love and blessings in our blessed Saviour,

  2. You took this in the morning right?
    I was up around 7 yesterday and wow! Light really changes everything!
    Do you happen to know whether that is a grapvine sprawling on the fence?
    The leaves look very similar to a vine growing on my neighbors fence, which is rather photogenic as well. =)
    See you Sunday!

